She walked a little hesitant to enter a five-star hotels. The security guards standing next to the hotel door to catch the woman's suspicions. But he just looked at it with careful steps toward the woman who then took a seat in the little lounge in the corner.
The guard was watching all this time, there is something that should be suspect for her. Because two times but the waiter came, she just shook her head. The table was still empty. No one ordered. Then to what she was sitting alone. Is there someone who was waiting.
The guard began to think that she was not a bad sort of woman who always look for prey in this hotel. He was seen not too mature. But hardly a child. Around the middle teens growing up.
After so long, eventually forcing it to guard approached her table and asked:
"Sorry, lady ... Are you waiting for someone? "
"No! "A woman was turning his face to another place.
"So for what you sit here?"
"Is not? "She began looking at the security guards ..
"Excuse me, ma'am. This is where class and only intended for people who want to enjoy our services. "
"I mean, father? "
"You have to order something to be sitting here"
"Later I'll message after I have money. But now, let me sit here for something that I would sell "the woman said, her voice slow.
"Sell? Do you sell something here? "
The guard was watching her. Not seem to have the goods to be sold. Perhaps this woman is a salesman who only carry brochures.
"Ok, lah. Whatever you are going to sell, this is not the place to sell. Please understand. "
"I want to sell myself," she said sternly as he looked deep into it towards the guard.
The guard was struck with a view to the left and right.
"Come with me," said the guard was motioning with his hand.
She was caught something because there kooperativ action piece smile on the face guard it. Without hesitation she stepped to follow the guard's.
In the hotel corridor, there is a chair for one person only. In the table of inter-room phone that is available specifically for visitors who wish to contact the occupants of rooms in this hotel. This is where the deal took place.
"Are you serious? "
"I'm serious" A woman said firmly.
"How much are you asking? "
"As high-high. . ''
"Why?" The guard was shocked as he stared at her.
"I'm still a virgin"
"Virgin? "Now the guard was really shocked. But his face brightened. Golden opportunity to get the excess provision of this day ..
"How do I know you are still a virgin?"
"Very easy. All men know where the virgin and distinguish which is not .. Yeah right ... "
"If it is not proven? "
"Do not pay ..."
"Well ..." The guard sighed. Then glanced to the left and right.
"I'll help you get a rich man who wants to buy your virginity. "
"Try it. "
"How much is required? "
"As high-high. "
"How much? "
"As high-high. I do not know how? "
"All right. I will offer to guests of this hotel. Wait a minute yes. "
The guard was gone from her face.
Shortly after, the guard came back, beaming.
"I've got a bid. He asked for Rp. 5 million. How? "
"Are not there any higher? "
"This is among the highest," The guard was trying to convince.
"I want a higher ..."
"All right. Wait here ... "The guard was gone.
Soon the security guards came back with a face more radiant.
"I get a higher price. Rp. 6 million rupiah. How? "
"Are not there any higher? "
"Miss, this is very reasonable price for you. Try to imagine, if you are raped by men, you will not get anything right. Or if you are a virgin taken by your girlfriend, you are not going to get anything right, except the promise. With the money Rp. 6 million you will enjoy five-star hotel service for the night and next morning you can forget about everything with a lot of money. And again, you also have done well to
me. Because I will get commission from this transaction of the hotel guests. Adilkan. We both need ... "
"I want the highest bid ..." A woman, without bothering with the chatter that the security guards.
The guard was silent. But do not lose heart.
"Okay, I'll find another guest. But should you come with me. Can you button your shirt revealed little.
In order for something to provoke the eyes of people buy. "Said the guard was a little upset.
She was not concerned with the suggestion that the security guards but still follow the steps that the security guards entered the elevator.
Hotel room door was open. From the look a little slant-eyed man was smiling at them both.
"This is what I meant, sir. Does the master want? "The security guard politely.
Slant-eyed man was looking closely into the woman's body ...
"How much? "Ask the man to the woman.
"As high-high" Answer her firmly.
"What is the highest price is negotiable people? "Said the man told the guard.
"USD .. 6 million, sir "
"Then I dare at Rp. 7 million for one night. "
The woman was silent.
The guard looked at her and wished there was a good response from the woman.
"How? "Asked the man.
"I want higher ..." she said.
The guard smiled wryly.
"Take away this woman. "The man said to the guard room, closing the door loudly.
"Miss, you have made me upset. Do you really really want to sell? "
"Of course! "
"Then why did you reject the highest price that ..."
"I want a higher ..."
The guard was a long sigh. As if with emotion. He did not want to take this opportunity lost.
She tried to keep making her feel comfortable with him.
"Then, you wait in this place, yes. I will try to find another bidder. "
In the hotel lobby, the guard was trying to look one by one man there. Trying to find a regular customer ordered her through. It's a long time, no one seemed familiar. However, not so far from him there was a man who was speaking on his cell phone.
"Was not yesterday I was giving you money 25 million Rupiah.
Is it not enough? "There was a man's voice speaking.
The man's face looked sour at once
"Come here. I'll wait. I missed you.
It was a week we met engga, yes dear! "
Now that the security guards knew that he was talking with a woman.
Then, he saw, he hung up. There was resentment in his face.
Calmly, the guard said to man: "Sir, if you need a woman ... Huh"
The man glanced toward the guard and then turned away.
"There was a woman who sat there," the guard said menujuk towards women.
The guard was not losing my mind to take advantage of this opportunity.
"He's still a virgin .."
The man approached the guard.
Their faces were only five feet away. "Is that right? "
"Yes, sir. "
"Then I was introduced to her ..."
"With pleasure. But, sir ... She was asking high prices high. "
"I do not care ..." He answered firmly.
He was warmly greeted her.
"Dad was ready to pay whatever you ask. Well, now be serious .... "The guard said with irritation.
"Let's just talk in the room." He said as he inserted money to guard it.
The woman followed him to his room.
In the rooms ...
"Tell what price you ask? "
"For my mother to recovery from illness"
"You mean you? "
"I want to sell one property and only my honor to my mother's recovery. That's the way I thank you .... "
"That's it ..."
"Yes ...! "
The man noticed the woman's face. Seems too young to sell his honor. This woman did not sell love. Nor is selling his suffering. No! He just wants to appear as a valiant fighter in the middle of a social life that no longer free. This man realized that there was something in front of a priceless honor. Exceeding the honor of a virgin to a woman. That determination for a sacrifice without regret. Wanta is not against the waves but go where the ocean waves carry him away. There is resignation over unparalleled confidence. That honor will always be valued and purchased by all honorable people with honorable ways.
"What's your name? "
"It's not important. Jot down prices paid to the father ... "said the woman's
"I can not mention the price. Because you deserve is not something negotiable. "
"Then, there is no agreement! "
"There! "Said the man instantly.
"Say! "
"I pay for your courage. That's what can I buy from you. Please accept this money. The amount is more than enough to bring your mother to the hospital.
And now go home ... "he said as he handed the money from his briefcase.
"I do not understand ..."
"I've always spoiled my mistress. He enjoyed all my gifts but she never thanked. Always squeeze. Once I gave it forever he always asks. But today, I can buy the gratitude of a brave woman to make sacrifices for their parents. It's an honor that no value if I can pay ... "
"And, if the father of candid ...? "
"Is it less? "
"More than enough, sir ..."
"Before you go, may I ask one thing? "
"Please ..."
"Why are you so brave ..."
"Who said I was brave. I'm afraid sir ...
But more than a week I attempt to find a way to bring my mother to the hospital and all failed.
When I took the decision to sell my honor, it's not because the urge of lust.
Nor is the consideration of my mind `stupid` ... I'm just being and doing for a conviction ... "
"Confidence what? "
"If we are willing to sacrifice for the mother or anyone else, then God who will preserve the honor of our ..." She then stepped out of the room.
Before you reach the door she said:
"So what can the father of buying this ..."
"Consciousness ..."
.. . .
At a house in the slums. A mother who was sick was surprised by his warm embrace.
"You're back, baby"
"Yes, bu ..."
"Where have you been, kid ... Huh"
"Sell something, bu ..."
"What are you selling?" Mother's face showed astonishment. But the young woman was just smiles ...
Life as a poor orphan again too vain to lamented in the middle of life that all these arrogant. In the midst of a situation that no longer are
free. All the people trade. Buying and selling is not everyday that can dielakan. But God always gives unconditionally, without calculation
"It is time mother for medical treatment ..."
She picked up her mother from the bed, saying: "God has bought that I sell ...".
The taxi that had been host of the hotel was still faithful waiting in front of his house. Inclusion of her mother into the taxi with caution and said:
to the taxi driver: "Take our hospital ..."
Friday, November 27, 2009
Behind the story of a "daddy"!!
Typically, for a young adult woman, who was working diperantauan, who joined her husband's wandering outside the city or abroad, who were at school or college away from her parents .....
Will often miss with her mother.
And what about Dad?
Maybe because she is more often called to see you doing every day,
but you know, if it Papa was a reminded to call you Mama?
Maybe once when you're little, Mama was the one who more often take you to tell or berdongeng,
but you know that after Papa worked and with tired faces Papa Mama always ask about are you and what do you do all day?
By the time you are still a little girl ......
Papa usually taught her little daughter to ride a bike.
And after Papa could pick up, Daddy would help in the wheels off the bike ...
Then Mama said: "Not yet Dad, do not be removed once the wheels help him",
Mama was afraid sweet daughter fell and hurt ....
But realize you?
Papa with confidence that will let you, look at you, and take care of pedaling carefully because she knew her little girl SURE CAN.
By the time you crying or whining to ask dolls new toy, Mama's looking at you with pity.
But Papa would say emphatically: "Sure, we buy it later, but not now"
Know ye, Papa did it because he does not want you to be a spoiled child with all the demands that can always be fulfilled?
When you're a cold, Papa was too afraid to yell sometimes a bit by saying:
"It's the tell! You do not drink cold water!".
Mama's differs from the notice and advise you gently.
Know, then Papa really worried about you.
When you've got a teenager ....
You start demanding at Papa permission to go out at night, and you stand firm and say: "No!".
Did you know that Daddy did it to take care of you?
Because of Daddy, you is something very - very unusual precious ..
After that you're mad at Daddy, and entered the room, slamming the door ...
And who came knocking doors and persuade you to not upset the Mom ....
Know ye, that it was Papa closed his eyes and held her in her inner turmoil,
That Papa was eager to follow your wishes, but once again he MUST take care of you?
As when a guy started to call, or even come to the house to see you, Daddy would put the world face the coolest .... : ')
Papa occasionally eavesdropping or peeping when you're chatting together in the living room ..
You realize, if heart Papa felt jealous?
When you start to believe, and Papa to loosen some rules to leave the house for you, you will be forced to violate his evening hours.
So did Daddy was sitting in the living room, and waiting for home with a heart that is very concerned ...
And after feeling worried that go on - Late ...
When she saw her little daughter came home late at night will harden the hearts Papa and Papa scold .. .
You realize, that this was because it was feared that Papa will soon come?
"That little girl will soon go away Papa"
After graduating from high school, Dad will be a little force to become a doctor or engineer.
Know that all coercion is done solely Papa - the eyes just thinking about your future later ...
But then Papa kept smiling and support you when your choice is not in accordance with the wishes Papa [Smilie]
When you become an adult girl ....
And you have to go to college another town ...
Papa had to let you at the airport.
Did you know that Papa body was stiff to hold you?
Papa just smiled and gave this advice - that, and told to be careful. .
And Papa wanted to cry like Mama and hug you tight.
What Papa do is remove a little tear in the corner of his eye, and pat your shoulder saying "Take care of yourself well yes dear".
Daddy did it all for you STRONGER ... strong to go and become adults.
While you need money to finance half of the money and life, the first person is frowned Papa.
Papa must have tried hard to find a way so that his son could feel the same with his friends the other.
When the request is no longer just asked for a new doll, and Dad knew he could not give what you want ...
The words that came out of Papa's mouth is: "No. .... I can not!"
Whereas in the inner Papa, he was eager to say "Yes dear, I'll buy you Daddy".
Did you know that at the time Papa was failing to make her smile?
It's time you graduated as a scholar.
Papa was the first to stand up and give you applause.
Papa will smile with pride and satisfaction of seeing "the little girl who did not grow up spoiled work, and has become someone"
Until now, a friend of Man came to the house and asked permission to take you from her Papa.
Papa would be very careful about giving permission ..
Because Papa knows .....
That man is what will replace him later.
And finally ....
When Papa saw you sitting on the stage with a man Pelaminan who find it worthy of replacing it, Daddy was smiling happily ....
Did you know, on that happy day Papa went round the stage for a while, and crying?
Papa cry because papa was very happy, and Papa prayed ....
In a quiet prayer to God, Papa said: "O God my job well done ....
A funny little girl and I love has become a beautiful woman ....
Bahagiakanlah she with her husband ... "
After that Papa can only await with his grandchildren who occasionally come to visit ...
With that hair and the white ....
And the body and arms are no longer strong enough to protect you from danger ....
Papa has completed its work ....
Will often miss with her mother.
And what about Dad?
Maybe because she is more often called to see you doing every day,
but you know, if it Papa was a reminded to call you Mama?
Maybe once when you're little, Mama was the one who more often take you to tell or berdongeng,
but you know that after Papa worked and with tired faces Papa Mama always ask about are you and what do you do all day?
By the time you are still a little girl ......
Papa usually taught her little daughter to ride a bike.
And after Papa could pick up, Daddy would help in the wheels off the bike ...
Then Mama said: "Not yet Dad, do not be removed once the wheels help him",
Mama was afraid sweet daughter fell and hurt ....
But realize you?
Papa with confidence that will let you, look at you, and take care of pedaling carefully because she knew her little girl SURE CAN.
By the time you crying or whining to ask dolls new toy, Mama's looking at you with pity.
But Papa would say emphatically: "Sure, we buy it later, but not now"
Know ye, Papa did it because he does not want you to be a spoiled child with all the demands that can always be fulfilled?
When you're a cold, Papa was too afraid to yell sometimes a bit by saying:
"It's the tell! You do not drink cold water!".
Mama's differs from the notice and advise you gently.
Know, then Papa really worried about you.
When you've got a teenager ....
You start demanding at Papa permission to go out at night, and you stand firm and say: "No!".
Did you know that Daddy did it to take care of you?
Because of Daddy, you is something very - very unusual precious ..
After that you're mad at Daddy, and entered the room, slamming the door ...
And who came knocking doors and persuade you to not upset the Mom ....
Know ye, that it was Papa closed his eyes and held her in her inner turmoil,
That Papa was eager to follow your wishes, but once again he MUST take care of you?
As when a guy started to call, or even come to the house to see you, Daddy would put the world face the coolest .... : ')
Papa occasionally eavesdropping or peeping when you're chatting together in the living room ..
You realize, if heart Papa felt jealous?
When you start to believe, and Papa to loosen some rules to leave the house for you, you will be forced to violate his evening hours.
So did Daddy was sitting in the living room, and waiting for home with a heart that is very concerned ...
And after feeling worried that go on - Late ...
When she saw her little daughter came home late at night will harden the hearts Papa and Papa scold .. .
You realize, that this was because it was feared that Papa will soon come?
"That little girl will soon go away Papa"
After graduating from high school, Dad will be a little force to become a doctor or engineer.
Know that all coercion is done solely Papa - the eyes just thinking about your future later ...
But then Papa kept smiling and support you when your choice is not in accordance with the wishes Papa [Smilie]
When you become an adult girl ....
And you have to go to college another town ...
Papa had to let you at the airport.
Did you know that Papa body was stiff to hold you?
Papa just smiled and gave this advice - that, and told to be careful. .
And Papa wanted to cry like Mama and hug you tight.
What Papa do is remove a little tear in the corner of his eye, and pat your shoulder saying "Take care of yourself well yes dear".
Daddy did it all for you STRONGER ... strong to go and become adults.
While you need money to finance half of the money and life, the first person is frowned Papa.
Papa must have tried hard to find a way so that his son could feel the same with his friends the other.
When the request is no longer just asked for a new doll, and Dad knew he could not give what you want ...
The words that came out of Papa's mouth is: "No. .... I can not!"
Whereas in the inner Papa, he was eager to say "Yes dear, I'll buy you Daddy".
Did you know that at the time Papa was failing to make her smile?
It's time you graduated as a scholar.
Papa was the first to stand up and give you applause.
Papa will smile with pride and satisfaction of seeing "the little girl who did not grow up spoiled work, and has become someone"
Until now, a friend of Man came to the house and asked permission to take you from her Papa.
Papa would be very careful about giving permission ..
Because Papa knows .....
That man is what will replace him later.
And finally ....
When Papa saw you sitting on the stage with a man Pelaminan who find it worthy of replacing it, Daddy was smiling happily ....
Did you know, on that happy day Papa went round the stage for a while, and crying?
Papa cry because papa was very happy, and Papa prayed ....
In a quiet prayer to God, Papa said: "O God my job well done ....
A funny little girl and I love has become a beautiful woman ....
Bahagiakanlah she with her husband ... "
After that Papa can only await with his grandchildren who occasionally come to visit ...
With that hair and the white ....
And the body and arms are no longer strong enough to protect you from danger ....
Papa has completed its work ....
Posted by
Genk Simamora
3:21 PM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Business and Investment Opportunities ..!!!
if you need immediate toll on the time and location that is not right??
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- Big commission for each transaction partner wrote the transaction to Rp 400, --
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Level 1 commission transactions Rp.150, -/transaksi
Level 2 transaction commission Rp.100, -/transaksi
Level 3 transaction commission Rp.75, -/transaksi
Level 4 transaction commission Rp.50, -/transaksi
Level 5 transaction commission Rp.25, -/transaksi
1. please contact me directly. I will samperin for positions in the region JABODETABEK. that registration is easy (no need to wait long or queue at the bank for long ..
2. Please follow the guidelines listed here: CLICK HERE .
"remember Pulsasuper not MLM, no sales target of close point. "
"Pulsasuper not require to recruit members."
more information please see the CLICK HERE .
or send questions to my email address:
or call me at no. 085693441148 (Ray)
Please start your business, let us succeed together ..
GBU ..
require the use of controls for family and business?
want to use it as a business opportunity too?
If YES, PULSASUPER is your solution!
PULSASUPER partner benefits
*) 1 chip for all operators GSM / CDMA
*) Transaction via chat Yahoo Massanger
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*) Transactions 24 hours non-stop
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*) Transaction speed ok.
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*) Can not mendownline (with the depth of 5 levels, and unlimited amounts)
*) Toll electric can use anywhere in Indonesia.
*) Information (price changes, disturbances, etc.) in preach via SMS to No. HP you from SMS Server.
*) Served with the complaint CS fast and friendly.
- Only able to close the sale by retail electric pulses.
- Not able to recruit other agents.
- Registration fee 50,000 (including agents balances 25.000).
- Having a balance of initial Rp. 25.000, --
- Recruited by the dealer or a Master Dealer.
- In addition to the transaction to recruit agents and dealers.
- Registration fee Rp 100,000 (including the beginning balance 50,000).
- Balance at beginning of Rp. 50.000, -.
- Obtain the registration agent commission reached level 5 reached Rp 40.000, --
- Big commission dealer registration located at:
Level 1 commission registration Rp. 15,000, -/dealer
Level 2 commissions registration Rp. 10,000 -/dealer
Level 3 commission registration Rp. 5000, -/dealer
Level 4 commission registration Rp. 5000, -/dealer
The level commissions 5 registrations Rp. 5000, -/dealer
- Recruited by a fellow dealer or a Master Dealer.
- Having a direct frontline minimall with 10 referrals Dealer status.
- Change of status is done automatically by the system.
- Getting "Registration Committee" and "Transaction Commission"
- Big commissions and sistematikanya register with Dealer.
- Big commission for each transaction partner wrote the transaction to Rp 400, --
- Commission on the transaction are:
Level 1 commission transactions Rp.150, -/transaksi
Level 2 transaction commission Rp.100, -/transaksi
Level 3 transaction commission Rp.75, -/transaksi
Level 4 transaction commission Rp.50, -/transaksi
Level 5 transaction commission Rp.25, -/transaksi
1. please contact me directly. I will samperin for positions in the region JABODETABEK. that registration is easy (no need to wait long or queue at the bank for long ..
2. Please follow the guidelines listed here:
"Pulsasuper not require to recruit members."
more information please see the
or send questions to my email address:
or call me at no. 085693441148 (Ray)
Please start your business, let us succeed together ..
GBU ..
Posted by
Genk Simamora
3:49 AM
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